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Information on battery disposal

In connection with the sale of batteries or the delivery of devices containing batteries, we are obliged to inform you of the following: You are legally obliged to return used batteries as the end user. You can return used batteries that we stock or have stocked as new batteries free of charge to our dispatch warehouse (dispatch address).
The symbols shown on the batteries have the following meaning:

The symbol of the crossed-out dustbin means that the battery must not be placed in the household waste.
Pb = Battery contains more than 0.004% lead by mass.
Cd = battery contains more than 0.002 mass percent cadmium
Hg = Battery contains more than 0.0005% mercury by mass.
Please note the above information.

Reference to participation in the Landbell AG take-back system

With regard to the sales packaging that we put into circulation for the first time in Germany, filled with goods and delivered to private end consumers, our company has joined the nationwide system of Landbell AG, Mainz, in order to ensure the fulfilment of our legal obligations according to § 7 VerpackG (German Packaging Act). For more information, please visit the website of Landbell AG - click on the logo:

Landbell AG